BMX Racing

BMX Racing
When you are Racing A BMX bike you have to be aware of other racers and you have to watch for what jumps are coming up. You have to listen and watch the gate to go down keep your pedal hard down so when the gate drops you fly off the gate and hoon down to the first jump. Pedal as hard as you can to go round the track with the rest of the racers as you come round corners make sure your following you own race line, because if you follow someone else you won't get past anyone. Come threw the second straight with lots of speed pass lots of people and keep flowing thru the line of jumps it will keep you speed high. Coming up to the second corner It's smaller than the first one but follow your own race line,as you come out of the corner you come flying into the third straight it is full of jumps flow threw them real fast. Come up to the last corner come with speed then go up as you come down pedal real hard up to the last to jumps jump over them then go past the finish line and that's how you win your race.


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