2nd Character Description

This week I finished my 2nd Character Description
Take a look.

Cleveland Brown is a funny man he has brown skin colour and has black hair including his mustache.He is from a State called Cleveland in the USA. Cleveland has three kids and a wife, the kids names are…Rallo Tubbs who is the youngest, Cleveland Brown JR is the middle child, Roberta Tubbs is the eldest. And Cleveland’s Mrs Donna Tubbs.

On the show Cleveland always has a beer in his hand, like in the picture. He is always wearing his yellow shirt or a tuxedo. One time had to save Cleveland Brown JR from getting crushed from a tree,like a little car getting stood on.   He was wearing a really good looking tuxedo they were meant to be going out to church. But there was a massive storm going on outside and everyone was hungry and all the food wasn’t there.At the end it turned out Cleveland Brown JR had all the food.

I like the Cleveland show because Cleveland is a funny man and is always being stupid and acts dumb all the time especially when he is on a mission for work or something. Cleveland is sometimes a caring man but usually doesn't care if he is doing something, and someone wants him he will carry on doing what he is doing and ignore them.

My favourite show is when Cleveland Brown JR hired for a job at the pub ("because he has wanted a job for ever") and he got the job then when Cleveland Brown went to the pub he Cleveland Brown JR was doing really well and Cleveland Brown was drunk and told his boss to fire him because he was drinking but he is only 12 but really small and fat  for his age.

The Cleveland Brown show’s theme song is about where he lives and tells you about his life and family and tells you that there is good times and bad times and there's new and old friends. There is a link up top if you want to listen to the theme song.


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