Learning in the making 2015

Last week on Friday we had a Learning In The Making student led confrence day. That day last year I got my own blog I sure do remember my first post,it was like a sentence long.

In the learning in the making I did Clay-mations first, clay-mations wasn't what I thought it was going to be,I thought we would of made stuff out of clay, but we made stuff out of playdough and took photos but between every photo we will move our mation so at the end it looked like it was moving.

morphing claymation - YouTube
Next I did Hotdog pasta I thought we would put some pasta on put it on the hotdogs.
But we got some spaghetti and poked about five bits through the Frank Furtters
Then we cooked it with pasta sauce and this is how it turned out.
After that I did the maths challenge and then science in the maths Challenge
I won the timetables section. I also learnt lots about altherithem's,I think that I will improve in lots of my maths now.

In science we had to try pick up a paper clip with a battery,nail and some
wire my group were able to do it 2nd out of four. In Science I got shocked by the battery 
because it got really hot from the wire being on it and my finger was still on the battery.


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