Impact Reflection 2015

Did our Impact work? How do you know?
  • Our original idea was a Human sized Foosball table, which we discovered wasn’t going to work with our timeframe and budget! So we changed…
  • Yes, because we actually have a table standing!  Our group had a few disagreements, but in the end it was painted, and ready to go!
  • We think that all the other students will have fun playing with it because who can go wrong with a homebuilt Foosball table?
Is the outcome what we imagined it would be?
  • There were some parts we did not imagine it to look like what it does now e.g We did not think the fern was going to look as bold.
What would we change if we were to do it again?
  • We would probably put a roof on it like a glass roof. The glass roof would protect it when it is raining so it does not make the felt wet. And the ball won’t fly up if hit too hard.  
  • we would put some wheels on it to make it move easy. e.g make it portable.
What have we learnt along the way?
  • We learnt that we should paint after we drilled the holes because when we drilled the holes it ripped off paint when the drill came through.
  • We also learnt how to use a plaine and what a plaine is.
What do people and/or our community think about the outcome? Get feedback from them.
  • Elaina thinks the Foosball table is looking awesome and that she can’t wait to use it.
  • Alyson said that it would’ve been really cool human sized, but she still likes it how it is.
  • Ryan said It is really good with the fern on it and Black and White brings out the All Blacks Culture.
  • Jonty said I Like how you made it All Black colours and putting the fern on the side I also like the felt=)
  • Nesta said It will be a fun game to play, Well Done.


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