iDrive PMI

Today My plus was that,I got to work with different people.Hamish,Josh,Ryan,Kate,Alyson,Charlotte,Brooke and myself called our group the idiot filmers.We chose that name because we were all setting up stupid obstacles to try.
My Minus of my iDrive was when Olly,Hamish,Tawa,Logan and I didn’t think of something to do quick enough so the teacher chose something for us.They chose cards for us,I had already done cards and I didn’t enjoy it that much that’s why this session was my Minus.
My interesting of iDrive was Box Models,Because it was interesting of what you could make out of all the cardboard.e.g. Hamish,Ryan and I made a fishing boat and when it was finished it looked like the boat off the movie Jaws.And we used lots of different stuff for it,so it also looked a bit scrappy.


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