My Weekend

On Saturday I enjoyed a day out at a truck show in Matamata with my Grandpa. There were so much trucks and fun activties, after we looked and took photos of most trucks we looked at the truck modles that were in a truck. A truck driver had collected lots of truck modles from his father n law to put in the back of his truck to show off. He said his Father n law had been collecting the trucks for over three years. After checking out all the trucks I had a go in the small sized zorb ball for my first time it was really fun doing flips. After a done a backflip I got stuck upside down we finished off there with some hot cinnimon donuts and a cold coke then we went food shopping in Thames.

On Sunday I went to the skate park with my freinds Tawa and Logan. On Tawa's skate board I tried to do somthing and I fell off and scratched and broosed the side of my left thy. But that wasn't it I tried it again after about 5 minutes and done the same thing to my right thy. After that I stuck with riding my scooter and doing tricks on that, knowing me I would probly go back and try complete the skatebard thing next weekend.


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