Aims Games 2016

Screenshot 2016-09-12 at 11.14.21 AM.png
Last week our school competed in the aims games 2016 I was chosen for the rugby sevens team our school also had a 6-a side hockey team. We went to Tauranga on Sunday afternoon and we at Greerton Lodge Motel. When we got there we all unpack and then just chilled for a bit then we had dinner then got ready for bed. Our first game was at 8:32 in the morning the hockey people weren't playing till 3:30 so they came and watch our rugby games. The next day we had three games and then watch the hockey people play their night game at 8:30. We had three games on Wednesday and Thursday then two on Friday.On Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon we went to baywave,and on Thursday night we went to Bayfair. After our games on Friday everyone went home. During the week my plus was walking off the field knowing that I did my job,My Minus was walking off the field knowing I didn't do my job.


  1. Plus's and Minus's
    Added lots of detail


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