The Day In The Life Of Me

Tuesday morning I'm getting out of bed and getting ready for school I need to wash my Drift Trike so it looks shiny after I wash it it's looking great,all I need to do is spray some tyre shine on and it will be sweet. Eggs are ready mum yells I go inside to eat breakfast then I brush my teeth and then I am off to school I pick up Blake and Boe and we ride to school together on our Drift Trikes.I get to school and see all my friends riding scooters waiting for me on the front court,Nathan jumps on my Drift Trike and gos for A spin.I go into class and put my avatar up and then hung up my bag,next I am off to the court. I see Nathan trying to jump the car tyres on my Drift Trike we change the Idea and we put a bigger sized car tyre behind it.Here comes Nathan coming in hot he's up!!,next thing he knows he's upside down with the Drift Trike on top of him. I was thinking “I have to try this” here I come full speed coming in hot,as I am coming up to the tyres I close my eyes next thing I know I am looking up to the sky falling to the right.”Ouch!!” We lock up my Drift Trike and were off to class.Sitting down working on a blogpost  the time went so quick now I have a learning team meeting.I am sitting in the glass room waiting for the teacher I was thinking about what we are going to do on my Drift Trike at morning tea time.Here comes the teacher in this learning team meeting we are practicing to present our IE.I am reading my IE and what I have Learnt to my learning team. It is now morning tea time and we are off to my drift trike I get to my Drift Trike and then realise I don't have the keys “You egg” Nathan Says I run back to my bag and grab the keys I unlock the drift Trike and then nathan flies into the tyres and flips again. Here comes Ryan coming in hot Finn puts two tyres down behind one and cause Ryan is so light the front wheel gets stuck in a tyer then he his up in the sky as high as the sky tower. At Lunch we make a ramp and set it on top of a tyre and jump over the other two tyres after a while the first bit of wood snapped because it was a palet there was about nine planks of wood. Another one brakes then I go for it and try to jump again I make it up and the wood doesn't brake I go again but this time all of the planks snap and I was really surprised that I made it over the jump all the planks snapped except one. And so then we dragged the wood back to Hitchys shed and we go lock up my Drift Trike and then we are in time for class.


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