Traveling By Train

Traveling By Train
What is it like to Travel by train? How does it make you feel? What kind of things you see out of the window on a train? What sounds might you hear? What might you smell? What might other passengers do?

1.Write some words and phrases      
the come to mind when you
think of travelling on a train.
Even if you have never been on
a train, imagine what it would
be like.

2.Use those words and phrases
   to write a poem

As we zoom through the Tunnel
We see lots of cars go past
After this we will get in the shuttle
The train is going very fast
I can see lots of cars
They are on the road
On The train they have chocolate bars
Yesterday it snowed
There is lots of people
When I look up I see the sky
The train runs on Diesel
There is lots of babies

And they all cry


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