My Drift Trike Advertisement (Kermit)


Kermit the Triad  Underworld 2 Drift Trike is for sale at $175.The back wheels are looking a bit thin and there are like two little paint chips also there is one bolt out of six i think is missing from the rim to the pipe on the back right wheel but I have not had any problems with it, but other than that Kermit is in good condition.The brake pads still have a lot of meat left and the front wheel has still got lots of tread.Kermit has an adjustable seat so it can move from the front of the Trike to the back for taller and shorter people adults in their early twenties and children upto 7 can ride this.All the framework is still good and there is only a little bit of rust on a couple of bolts.I have only had Kermit for about 6 months.


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