IE Reflection

My IE Self Reflection
What was the most important thing you learned?
What was your favourite thing about this project?
The most important thing I learned was that when you design Drift Trikes they design them to be as light as the can,so its easier to load and unload the Trikes off the trailers and it lets the Trike like better.
My favourite thing about this was creating my video on drifting because it was fun to film with Blake and It was a very nice and sunny day.
What changes did you make along the way?
What was the toughest part?  How could you improve this the next time?
I had to change a couple of questions because I couldn't get answers, it also helped with my driving question.
To be honest the toughest part was researching the questions because drift trike aren't too popular yet next time I could email more people.
What are your next steps or new ideas for next time?
Make a better creation e.g I was going to make a model drift trike but I wasn't allowed.


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