On Monday morning my class went to Totara springs Christian centre we got there at like ten a'clock then we unloaded the cars and the teacher showed us were the cabins are then we put our stuff in.After that we went to the hall for the Instructors to tell us the rules and then we went and done top town. Then after that we had about 4 hours free time then went kayaking went on a water slide and jumped off a bridge 3 meters high and landed in water 5 meters deep then we went back to the cabins and had diner brushed our teeth had a shower and went to bed.The next day we done 5 activities they were crate climbing,Absailing,Go karting,rock climbing,flying fox.On day three we went on the hydro slide went in the hot pool and then packed up and went home at about lunch time. These are some photos at camp.

Top Town
Water slide
Top Town

Top Town
Water slide
Top Town

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