My Book Reviews

Last week my reading group finished our book that we were reading. The book was called Dunger.
This book was about two children that are 10 and 13 years old  they go to their old hippie grandparents batch and they had to help their grandparents with lots of stuff around the batch house.But William and Melissa also learnt lots,.William learnt how to drive and when they went fishing he had to drive the bout for Grandpa William also had to drive the car at the end because grandpa fell off the ladder,and they had to drive to the hospital because they were in the middle of know were with no cell phone reception.

The book
was called Dunger because the car William got taught how to drive in was a called a Dunger.
A Dunger is an old car with lots of rusty bits all over it.
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These are two books that I have read this year, one is one of my book club book the other is a book that I have read from the school library.

The first book is called Do not push. Do not push was a book about a little boy named Cam he is about ten years old he loved going out and exploring the outside world,behind his house he had a forest that he always went in.But one day he went threw the forest and got lost he found a button that said do not push but Cam decided to push it and then there was a leaver that he pulled and made it home.When he got home everything was going crazy his parents were still in there pyjamas eating Ice-cream out of the tub and picking their nose and eating it. When he went out to the shop there was no owner or worker and everyone was getting stuff for free and kids at a low age were driving Cars and trucks even a forklift.

The second book is Pool Pals.This book was about to girls that had a school swimming carnival coming up but Bella didn't have her good luck charm.They both meet at Bella's house one morning before they left Anna ran inside and put a poster on Bella's door saying well done look below then she went back to the car.When they got to school they went and got dressed because Anna's race was second and Bella's was after.Bella was cheering Anna on so she would win.Anna was racing then fastest swimmer in the school and she got second place.After that Bella got in the pool worrying about her good luck charm bracelet bang the gun went and Bella was off at the end of her race she finished first place.When the two girls got home Bella sore the poster and there was a gift down below...The gift was Bella's good luck charm bracelet that she lost.Anna had for about three days and planned it because she knew that Bella would win.

Alien sons
Alien sons is a book about a family of aliens one of the daughters had a crush on a famous singer she had a chance to meet him,and so he did when that was happening Mum bought a robot cleaning thing and the son did lot like it at all.They got that because there microwave blew up when they were heating up some noodles I red this book a long time ago and can't remember most of it.

Camping out
Camping out was a another book of the Boyz Rule series they decided to go camping in one of the freinds backyard as they started to go to sleep heapes of scary shadows appeared and they got really scared.Jake was really brave to go out and see what it was,it was Lukes dad and he was about to tip a massive bucket of water on them,Thew that was a close said Luke,lucky Jake looked outside of the tent.

Golf Legends
Golf legends was about two boys Jack and Jake that wanted to go camping so they went out to the lake with Jakes dads golf clubs and started golfing.When Jakes dad got there they were scared because they didn't ask to you the clubs.And dad just came with a picnic and a game of Golf.


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