
Showing posts from August, 2015

iDrive Week 6

This week for iDrive I decided to try something new. And I tried lego I got into a group of 7 and we all built a little farm with a tractor, a couple of cows, a go-kart with a jump and lots more farming stuff. We had Hamish, Tawa, Logan, Mason, Olly, Finn and I. I had lots of fun and enjoyed myself. And we communicated with putting the farm together as well.

This weeks I drive

Last week I was sick so I didn't do I drive but this week we painted the house, black and white and named it the All Blacks House it is meant to be the All Blacks Meeting House. Today I participated in the house and music because I lost my instrument and felt like giving up but I just got another instrument.We were making a drum roll for when we presented the house to the class. And I also had lots of fun today.