
Showing posts from April, 2016

Danny Macaskill Imaginate




Goal Reflection

I can make positive choices that are right for my OWN learning. It has been going well for me and has been helping me get my work done faster. It's also good because I can proof to myself that I don't always have to sit with my friends to do my work.For example when I sat down to do my AWS Hamish came to sit next to me and I said to him it's best for us not to sit together so we can get our work done. I can't wait till the next goal because I am going to try 100%.

Python Swallows BBQ Tongs

On the nineteenth of may 2015 a Hungry python decided to swallow a large pair of barbeque tongs. Aaron Rouse is from Australia is the pythons owner. Aaron said he was using the tongs to feed a rat to Winston (the Python) grabbed on to the tongs and wouldn’t let go.Aaron tried extremely hard to get the tongs out of Winston's mouth. He wouldn’t let go, Aaron decided to leave the tongs in the cage and left the room. When Aaron returned Winston had swallowed the tongs whole.When Aaron and Winston arrived at the veteran the vet could not believe the size of the tongs. The vet removed the tongs peacefully in surgery in the x ray you can see the tongs in his body. Winston is in recovery and is doing fine Thankfully.